Tuesday 21 January - School Office opens
Monday 27 January - Senior Course Confirmation Day in the Hall
Held in the Hall, uniform not required. All Year 12 and 13 students MUST attend to confirm their course for 2025. Year 11 optional, see below.
- 8.45am-9.15am Senior Students - Tuakana Leaders only
- 9.15am-11.00am Year 12 students
- 11.00am-1.00pm Year 13 students
- 10.00am-10.30am Year 11 - only those students who wish to change a subject need to attend
Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 January - Staff Only Days
Thursday 30 January Years 9 and 13 students at school (Please note - all students to be in full and correct uniform.)
- 8.30am-10.00am Year 13 Assembly and Ako Time. Report to Hall. (Year 12&13 Tuakana Leaders stay for the day)
- 10.00am-10.45am Year 9, new and International Students Mihi Whakatau - Welcomefor Year 9 students and new students to the school at other levels, and International Students – students gather at the Hall entrance, under the canopy. Parents, caregivers and whānau are invited to attend.
- 10.45am-2.30pm Year 9 students move to Ako Class to start Orientation Programme
Friday 31 January Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students attend (Please note - all students to be in full and correct uniform.)
- 9.00am-2.30pm Year 9 students on Day 2 of their Orientation Programme with the Year 12/13 Tuakana Leaders (students who catch buses can wait in the Library from 2.00pm).
- 9.00am-10.30am Year 10 Assembly and Ako Time. Report to Hall.
- 10.30am-12pm Year 11 Assembly and Ako Time. Report to Hall.
- 12.30pm-2.00pm Year 12 Assembly and Ako Time. Report to Hall
Monday 3 February - ALL students attend – full teaching and learning timetable begins
Thursday 6 February Waitangi Day - no school
Friday 7 February Normal school day