Cellphone Procedures - Changes from Term 3, 2024

New cellphone procedures

At the beginning of Term 2, we brought in the nation-wide no-cellphones in school regulations. From first bell in the morning, to the last bell of the school day, students were not to use their cellphones unless permitted by their teacher for teaching and learning purposes. 

While we knew this was going to be challenging for many students, we didn’t anticipate that it would take so long for students to understand that this is the new norm for all schools. Too much time has been spent by classroom teachers in conversations with students about their use of cellphones in class when their time and focus is better spent on teaching and assisting students. 

Therefore, from the start of Term 3, we will be simplifying our response to students who use their cellphone in the classroom. 

  1. At the start of every lesson and Ako Time, teachers will remind students that cellphones are not to be used (or seen) in the classroom. 
  2. After that, any student using their cellphone will have it confiscated. The phone will be placed in the Office and held securely. 
  3. If this is the first time their cellphone is confiscated, the student will be able to collect it at the end of the day.
  4. If it is the second time (or more) that the cellphone is confiscated, a parent/caregiver will be required to collect the phone from the Office. 

Students are aware of this change in procedures, but it would be helpful if you could reinforce this with them. If there are concerns around this new procedure, it would be best if the cellphone was left at home. 

Thank you in advance for your support with ensuring our school meets this regulation - our teachers will be happy to focus on the school’s core business of teaching and learning.

Judith Taylor
