
Page 4 Library

The Library is a hub within the school that offers support to all members of the UHC community in a variety of ways.  We pride ourselves in being able to maintain a current and dynamic fiction collection of all genres and levels, catering for a wide variety of readers. We are also involved in all areas of the curriculum and provide non-fiction material in published and digital form for subjects within the school.   

Our Librarian is Mrs Brown, and our Assistant Librarian is Ms Keith. The Teacher-in-charge of the Library is Ms Mulholland

Opening Hours for the Library 8.00am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. However (start of 2024). Students are welcome to come into the Library during opening hours, including interval and lunchtime.  

 Digital Resources in the Library

While we encourage reading for both research and pleasure, we also offer digital resources for student use.  See the staff at the Library desk for further information on any of the following.

  • Chromebooks that can be issued for use in the Library
  • UHCLibrary Facebook page.  Like us for updates on new books, competitions and upcoming events
  • Wheelers e-Platform for access to over 1200 digital Fiction titles you can read anywhere, on any device


Supporting the School Community

Another way in which we support the school community is to attend sports and cultural events that are important to our students. We also host many events throughout the year that encourage UHC students to be active members, both within their school, and wider communities. One example of this is Pink Shirt Day. This is an anti-bullying campaign and every year, in conjunction with the Tuakana student mentoring programme, this pink themed lunch is created by the senior students for their Year 9 mentors. 

 Library Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day 2017


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International Foods Day in the Library